Preamble | Name | Purpose | Membership | Meetings and Rehearsals | Officers | Elections, Appointments & Removal of Officers | Amending the Constitution | Ratifying the Constitution | Amendments
PREAMBLE We, the undergraduate students of Columbia University, establish this Society under the authority of the present Constitution to preserve and perform the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and, more generally, the music of the High Baroque and Classical periods of Western Music at Columbia University.
ARTICLE I—NAME Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Bach Society of Columbia University,” hereafter referred to as the “Bach Society.”
Section 2. The officers of the Bach Society shall constitute the Executive Board of the Bach Society, hereafter referred to as the “Executive Board.”
Section 3. This organization may also be referred to as the “Columbia Bach Society.”
ARTICLE II—PURPOSE Section 1. The principal purpose of this organization shall be the preservation and performance of the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and the music of the High Baroque and Classical Periods of Western Music through a series of concerts at Columbia University by student musicians and other related activities.
Section 2. The Executive Board of the Bach Society shall direct the activities of the Society through a variety of activities, including the selection of repertoire, preparation for concerts, coordination of rehearsals, management of finances, creation of a diverse community of musicians brought closer together by collaboration and a passion for early music, and establishment of relations with the Columbia University community.
ARTICLE III—MEMBERSHIP Section 1. A simple majority of the general membership of the Bach Society must be comprised of full-time registered undergraduate students of Columbia University.
Section 2. Membership in the Bach Society is open to all members of the Columbia University community, as well as community members of the Morningside Heights and broader New York City area.
Section 3. Membership in the performance ensembles of the Bach Society shall be restricted to those musicians who have successfully passed an audition and/or have received special permission from the Music Director.
Section 4. The responsibilities of membership in the Bach Society include timely and punctual attendance at scheduled rehearsals, assistance at concerts and other events sponsored by the Bach Society, cordiality toward other members, and individual preparation of repertoire prior to rehearsals. Membership in the Bach Society will last a minimum of one year unless outstanding circumstances warrant otherwise.
Section 5. Membership in the Bach Society may be revoked with a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board and the approval of club advisors, for reasons which include, but are not limited to, unexcused absences from regular meetings of the Bach Society, unexcused absences from concerts, and the recommendation of the Music Director.
ARTICLE IV—MEETINGS AND REHEARSALS Section 1. The President of the Bach Society shall hold the authority to call meetings of the Executive Board, hereafter be referred to as Board meetings. Subsection A. Board meetings of the Bach Society shall be held at least twice a month at the discretion of the President. Subsection B. Board meetings require the presence of at least one-half of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The Music Director of the Bach Society shall hold the authority to call rehearsals of the performance ensembles of the Bach Society, in consultation with the President. Subsection A. The Music Director shall establish a regular weekly schedule of rehearsals. Subsection B. The Music Director may include extra rehearsals in the schedule if they deem them necessary.
ARTICLE V—OFFICERS Section 1. The Executive Board of the Bach Society shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Chorus and Orchestra Managers, Webmaster, Social Chair, Chamber Music Coordinators, Orchestra Librarians, and other potential officers may be appointed at the discretion of the Executive Board. Subsection A. The President of the Bach Society is the chief executive officer of the Bach Society. The President shall be responsible for overall well-being of the Society and shall be its main steward, The President shall carry out a variety of responsibilities to ensure the smooth functioning and continuation of the Bach Society, including looking after the well-being of those on the Executive Board and the Society as a whole, organizing concerts and events sponsored by the Bach Society, reserving venues for rehearsals and concerts, ensuring that the Bach Society follows its stated mission, and making public announcements of concerts and events sponsored by the Bach Society. The President shall act as the presiding officer at Board meetings. Moreover, the President shall act as the official representative of the Bach Society to the Columbia University community. The Executive Board may choose to use a system of Co-Presidents in which duties are split between the Co-Presidents; duties will be split as per the wishes of those holding the role of Co-President. Subsection B. The Vice-President of the Bach Society shall mainly be responsible for the well-being of the President of the Bach Society and shall take on any responsibilities delegated to them by the President. In the President’s absence, the Vice-President shall act as the presiding officer at Board meetings and take on the President’s responsibilities as necessary. Subsection C. The Treasurer of the Bach Society shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Society. The Treasurer, in consultation with the President, shall construct an annual working budget for the Society. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all financial records and shall periodically present financial reports to the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for performing all financial transactions, when required, on behalf of the Society in an efficient and timely manner. Subsection D. The Secretary of the Bach Society shall be responsible for all publications of the Bach Society, including concert programs, program notes, and articles. Most importantly, the Secretary shall maintain records and history of all motions introduced during Board meetings, record the minutes of Bach Society meetings, and publish the minutes in a timely manner after each meeting.
Section 2. The Music Director of the Bach Society shall oversee all performance activities of the performance ensembles of the Bach Society. The Music Director shall promulgate a coherent artistic vision for the ensemble, select the repertoire for the performance ensembles each season, audition and approve prospective members, locate scores and parts for performance use, ensure upkeep of the Bach Society’s collection of instruments and scores, and lead all rehearsals and concerts of the Bach Society. The Music Director may, at their discretion, appoint an Assistant Music Director to enact any of his/her above mentioned responsibilities. The Music Director may invite guest artists to perform with the Bach Society. The Music Director has the sole power to organize the hierarchy of the performance ensembles. Subsection A. The Music Director for the Bach Society shall be chosen through a two-step process. When a Music Director gives notice to the Executive Board that he or she plans to step down from the position, preliminary interviews will be conducted by the Executive Board to evaluate potential candidates. Once the candidates have been narrowed down, each will be required to conduct a rehearsal for chorus and for orchestra. On the basis of the trial rehearsals, the Executive Board and incumbent Music Director will vote to select a new Music Director for the Bach Society. Subsection B. The term of office for the Music Director shall be terminated according to the wishes of the Music Director and/or the Executive Board.
Section 3. Most decisions of the Executive Board should be determined by consensus. In cases where a vote is necessary, each officer on the Executive Board of the Bach Society shall have one vote. Only in cases of a tie on motions of the Executive Board, the Music Director shall have the right to break the tie with another vote.
Section 4. All Executive Board members must be full-time, registered students of Columbia University. All other officers should preferably be full-time, registered students of Columbia University.
Section 5. No single member of the Bach Society may simultaneously hold the positions of President and Treasurer.
ARTICLE VI—ELECTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS Section 1. Selection for officers of the Bach Society must take place in April. Subsection A: Officers for the upcoming year will be selected by the current Executive Board based on interest and ability.
Section 2: Officers of the Bach Society will serve a term length of 2 semesters after which they will be considered for re-selection. Section 3. Any officer of the Bach Society may be removed by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board, not including the vote of the member who is being considered for removal. Subsection A. Removal motions against members of the Executive Board may be raised only in cases where officers have deliberately and consciously disregarded and ignored the responsibilities of the respective offices outlined in Article V, Section 1, or has demonstrated unwillingness, inability, and/or lack of skills needed to fulfill those responsibilities, or has failed to be exemplary members of the Society, or has violated other rules and regulations set forth by Columbia University.
ARTICLE VII—AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Section 1. Motions for amendments to the present constitution may be introduced only by sitting members of the Executive Board and members of the Bach Society during Board meetings.
Section 2. Passage for constitutional amendments requires a two-thirds majority vote of Officers.